Exciting News from GenerIO: Launching our EU-funded Project TeKKI! Supported by the European Union and the State of NRW, Germany, GenerIO specializes in creating uniquely tailored PBR textures for materials such as wood, brick, and stone. GenerIO’s commitment is to enhance creative potential in media production and game development, leveraging human-centered AI solutions. For more…
Category: Uncategorized
We were featured on “Tech Xplore”
Flying joysticks for better immersion in virtual reality To interact with elements in the virtual world, common VR headsets usually come with controllers. Users hold these in their hands as they interact with all elements of the virtual user interface. However, the controllers usually do not feel like they look in virtual space. This reduces…
German PreCHI 2022 at Ulm University
Uwe Grünefeld is presenting our CHI’22 Paper “VRception: Rapid Prototyping of Cross-Reality Systems in Virtual Reality” at the #GermanPreCHI event in the Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University. The paper received an Honorable Mention Award 🏆 Authors: Uwe Grünefeld, Jonas Auda, Florian Mathis, Stefan Schneegaß, Mohamed Khamis, Jan Gugenheimer, and Sven Mayer Check it out…
🏆VRception: Honorable Mention Award – CHI 2022
We are happy to announce that our paper VRception: Rapid Prototyping of Cross-Reality Systems in Virtual Reality received an honorable mention at CHI 2022. Authors: Uwe Gruenefeld, Jonas Auda, Florian Mathis, Stefan Schneegass, Mohamed Khamis, Jan Gugenheimer and Sven Mayer Abstract: Cross-reality systems empower users to transition along the reality-virtuality continuum or collaborate with others…
We were featured in “Heise Magazine”
Schwebende Steuerknüppel Damit Menschen in der Virtual Reality (VR) auf fliegende virtuelle Bedienelemente zugreifen können, lässt ein Team der Universität Duisburg-Essen die Steuerhardware auch in der realen Welt in Griffweite herumschweben… Check out the full article here.
Flying Joysticks
With virtual reality headsets, users can already immerse themselves deeply in virtual worlds. But touching and operating virtual objects is still a major challenge since haptics and optics don’t quite match. A team led by Prof. Dr. Stefan Schneegass from paluno, the Ruhr Institute for Software Technology at UDE, is investigating several new interaction elements….
🏆Flyables: Honorable Mention Award – VRST 2021
VRST 2021 awarded us with an honorable mention award for our paper: Flyables: Haptic Input Devices for Virtual Reality using QuadcoptersJonas Auda, Nils Verheyen, Sven Mayer, Stefan Schneegass Check it our here. Link to the paper.
We were featured in “Der Westen”
Essen: Mit dieser coolen Technik kannst du bald durch den Urwald laufen, obwohl du zuhause bist Check out the full article here.
We were featured in “Qiio Magazin”
Digitalisierung in der Flugzeugkabine: So fliegt man in Zukunft Check out the full article here.
We were featured in “Business Punk”
Ideenwettbewerb: Lufthansa versucht sich als Tech- und Modepionier der Flugbranche Check out the full article here.